Naked Winemaker

Rod Easthope

New Zealand


Rod's Wines

  • New Zealand
  • 6 wines
  • 2 styles

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A Kiwi wine superstar, now proudly independent

  • Rod is one of the most respected winemakers in New Zealand. He left top NZ wine label Craggy Range to chart his own course and make wines just for us. And he's never looked back. 

  • He loves the freedom to make wines directly for enthusiastic Angels and looks forward to their feedback on every wine. Their support has allowed him to buy his own vineyard and winery to give his wines a home and live more sustainably. 

  • Rod’s aim is to give Angels a slice of his unique corner of NZ, in a glass. He knows all the best growers and where their grapes are hiding, so only the best make it into his wines!

Rod's Activity