Naked Winemaker

Drew Tuckwell



Drew's Wines

  • Australia
  • 8 wines
  • 4 styles

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An award-winning winemaker who's been handcrafting state-of-the-art wines for almost 30 years

  • Drew Tuckwell’s Kollectiv is just that. A collective effort by the winemaker, the grape growers of the Orange region and you, Naked Angels. Without this collective effort, these wines would not exist.
  • For over a quarter-century Drew has been handcrafting state-of-the-art wines from some of the most prestigious and burgeoning regions way out west in New South Wales. This is an area where wines can command up to $95 a bottle!
  • The last ten years alone has seen Drew rack up over 12 Trophy Awards while working his day job at one of the most celebrated wineries in the super-premium, super-cool Orange region.

Drew's Activity