Naked Winemaker

Olivia Tate & Emiliano Secco



Olivia Tate & Emiliano 's Wines

  • Australia
  • 3 wines
  • 2 styles

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Their shared dream means something 'other-worldly' for you!

  • Olivia Tate is an up-and-coming third generation wine producer with a passion to do things her own way. Raised on the vineyard and immersed in the nitty gritty of wine production and promotion for the last 6 years, she’s striking out on her own.

  • Emiliano Secco is a talented Italian winemaker who’s been creating the good stuff in Italy and Australia since 2007. He’s been an integral part of her family’s winemaking for a few years now.

  • Their shared love of Italian wine brings you something ‘other-worldly’. It’s your chance to try something new while still supporting a fledgling independent Aussie wine business!

Olivia Tate & Emiliano 's Activity