Naked Winemaker

Thomas Hordern



Thomas's Wines

  • Australia
  • 5 wines
  • 4 styles

Third generation, born and bred, award-winning Hunter Valley winemaker

  • Born into a winemaking family, Thomas has been up to his ears in grape juice all his life and active in the business for over 15 years. His intimate knowledge of the Hunter grape growing region is next level.
  • His true passion, and lifelong dream, was one day to summon up the courage to go 100% Naked. He instinctively believed there had to be a better way than slogging away working for the ‘man’.
  • When his day job came to a halt, Angel funding came to the rescue and Thomas is now fully Naked and fully focused on crafting thousands of cases of Angel-exclusive Wiley Rooster NSW deliciousness.

Thomas's Activity